Celect Installation Handbook
BOARD AND BATTEN ❶ Weather Barrier & Flashings ❷ Furring strips for trim ❸ Inside Corner Posts ❹ Celect Board & Batten Siding Panels ❺ Window, Door, Etc. Trim Board and Batten 1. Weather Barrier & Flashing 2. Furring strips for trim 3. Inside Corner Posts 4. Celect Board & Batten Siding Panels 5. Window, Do r, tc. Trim BOARD AND BATTEN ❶ Weather Barrier & Flashings ❷ Furring strips for trim ❸ Inside Corner Posts ❹ Celect Board & Batten Siding Panels ❺ Window, Door, Etc. Trim
Furring Strips
Furring Strips
If more than 10’
If more than 10’
Fig. 1
• After preparing the walls for the siding installation (see Wall preparation pg. 8), install 1x2 furring around all windows, doors, outside corners, etc. This must be done anywhere the ends of the siding terminate with the exception of along the bottom of the course up to 10’. If the panels are longer than 10’ a furring strip and trim will be neccessary along the bottom as well. (Fig. 1-2) • Make sure to install the proper flashing as required by specific local building codes (Fig. 2) NOTE: If no solid nailable substrate exists, either furring strips installed horizontally at 12” spacing or solid nailable sheathing MUST be applied prior to the installation of the vertical panels. Ÿ After preparing the walls for the siding installation ( see Wall preparation pg. 8 ), install 1X2 furring round all windows, doors, outside corners, etc. This must be done anywhere the ends of the siding terminate with the xc ion f along the bo tom of the course up to 10’. If the panels are longer than 10’ a furring strip and trim will be neccessary along the bottom as well. (Fig 1-2) Ÿ ake sure to install the proper flashing as required by specific local building codes (Fig 2) NOTE: If no solid nailable substrate exists, either furring strips installe horizontally at 12” spacing or solid nailable sheathing MUST be applied prior to the installation of t e vertical panels. Ÿ After preparing the walls for the siding installation ( see Wall pr pa ation pg. 8 ), install 1X2 furr around all windows, doors, ou side corne s, tc. This must be done anywhere the ends of the siding t minate with the exception of along the b ttom of the course up to 10’. If the pan ls are longer than 10’ a furring strip and trim will b necc s ry along e bottom as well. (Fig 1-2) Ÿ Make sur to install the proper flashing as required by specific local building codes (Fig 2) NOTE: If no solid n ilable substrate exists, either furring strips installed h rizo tally at 12” spacing or solid nailable sheath ng MUST be applied prior to the installation of the vertical panels. Fig. 1
1” Gap along horizontal lines
1” Gap along horizontal lines
Window Header
Window Header
½ ” Gap along vertical lines
½ ” Gap along vertical lines
1X2 Furring Strip
Fig. 2
1X2 Furring Strip
Fig. 2
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