Celect Installation Handbook

Gable Trim The gable trim is a suitable alternative to a standard trim board if a small profile is desired. • Measure from the soffit 1 1/2” and strike a chalk line. • Install the panels aligning the ends with the line leaving the 1 1/2” gap for panel expansion and contraction. • The width of the gable cannot extend beyond 30.’ For gables beyond 30,’ a furring strip and minimum 3 1/2” trim board should be used. • Install the gable trim using Cortex ® or Pro Plug ® screws and matching plugs. Place fasteners approximately every 12”-16” being careful not to place them in the expansion gap. GABLE TRIM The gable trim is a suitable alternative to a standard trim board if a s all profile is desired. Ÿ Measure from the soffit 1 1/2” and strike a chalk line. Ÿ Install the panels aligning the ends with the line leaving the 1 1/2” ap for panel expansion and contraction. Ÿ i f t e g l c not extend beyond 30’. For gables beyond 30’, a furring strip and minimum 3 1/2” trim board should be used. Ÿ Install the gable trim using Cortex or Pro Plug screws and matching plugs. Place fasteners approximately every 12”-16” being careful not to place them in the expansion gap. ABLE TRI The gable tri is a suitable alternative to a standard trim board if a s all profile is desired. Ÿ Measure fro the soffit 1 1/2” and strike a chalk line. Ÿ Install the panels aligning the ends with the line leaving the 1 1/2” gap for panel expansion and contraction. Ÿ The width of the gable cannot extend beyond 30’. For gables beyond 30’, a furring strip and ini u 3 1/2” tri board should be used. Ÿ Install the gable trim using Cortex or Pro Plug screws and matching plugs. Place fas eners approxima ely very 12”-16” being careful not to place the in the expansion gap.

GableTrim GableTrim

1 ½” 1 ”

30’ Max 30’ Max

Cutting Miters on Gable Trim The multiple angles designed into the finish trim and the gable trim allow for the adjustment of the pocket width desired depending upon the application. However, if the installation includes mitering two adjacent pieces of tirm together such as at the peak of a gable, it is important that the trim be placed correctly when cutting as shown in figure 9. A scrap piece of 3/4” thick material can be used as a guide to making placement easier. The multiple angles designed into the finish trim and the gable trim allow for the adjustment of the pocket width desired depending upon the application. However, if the installation i cludes miteri g two adjacent pieces of trim together such as at the peak of a gable, it is important that the trim be placed correctly when cutting as shown in figure 9. A scrap piece of 3/4” thick material can be used as a guide to making placement easier. CUTTING MITERS ON GABLE TRIM The ultiple angles designed into the finish tri and the gable tri allow for the adjustment of the pocket width desired depending u on the application. However, if the installation includes itering two adjacent pieces of tri together such as at the peak of a gable, it is important that the trim be placed correctly when cutting as shown in figure 9. A sc ap piece of 3/4” thick aterial can be used as a guide to aking place ent easier. CUTTING ITERS ON GABLE TRIM

parallel to table parallel to table

3/4” scrap piece 3/4” scrap piece

Fig. 9 Fig. 9




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