Celect Installation Handbook

• Install Celect panel replacement clips by inserting the locking tab end of the clip into the gravity lock on the panel above the one you removed. Nail the clip to the wall. Place clips at a minimum of 16” apart. This will secure the bottom of the panel (Fig. 3).

Install Celect panel replacement clips by inserting the locking tab end of the clip into the gravity lock on the panel above the one you removed. Nail the clip to the wall. Place clips at a minimum of 16” apart. This will secure the bottom of the panel. (Fig. 3) Ÿ Install Celect panel Install Celect panel replacement clips by inserting the locking tab end of the clip into the gravity lock on the pan l above the one you removed. Nail the clip to the wall. Place clips at a minimum of 16” a rt. This will secure the bottom of the panel. (Fig. 3)

Fig. 3

replacement clips by insertin the locking tab end of the clip into the gravity lock on the

• Locate a new panel that is as close to the length of the damaged panel as possible. You may have to adjust the adjacent panel(s) slightly to achieve a neccessary measurement. • Remove the nailing hem of the replacement panel using a utility knife cutting along the indentation just below the nailing slots. Cut Line panel above the one you removed. Nail the clip to the wall. Pl ce clips at a minimum of 16” apart. This will secure the bottom of the panel. (Fig. 3) Fig. 3 Fig. 3

Fig. 4 adjust the adjacent pa el(s) slightly to achieve a necessary measurement. Remove the nailing hem of the replacement panel using a utility knife cutting along the indentation just below the nailing slots. adjust the adjacent panel(s) slightly to achieve a necessary measurement. Ÿ Locate a new panel that is as close to the length of the damag d panel as p ssible. You may have to adjus the adjacent panel(s) slightly to achi ve a nec ssary measurement. Ÿ Remove the nailing h m of the replacement p n l usi g a utility knife cutting along the indentation just below the nailing slots. Ÿ Locate a new panel that is as close to the length of the damaged panel as possible. You may have to Cut Line Fig. 4 Locate a new panel th t is s cl se to the length of the damaged panel as possible. You may have to Cut Line

• If the panel will be seamed on the right end, measure up from the bottom of the panel 2” along the seam locking tab. File down the locking tab flush with the rest of the tab with a knife. This will allow for easier installation at this seam. Fig. 4 Remove the nailing hem of th replacement panel using a utility knife cutting along the indentation just below the nailing slots. If the panel will be seamed on the right end, measure up from Ÿ

f the panel will be seamed on the right end, measure up from he bottom of the panel 2” along the seam locking tab. File down the locking tab flush with the rest of he tab with a knife. This will allow for easier installation at his seam. Ÿ If the panel will b the bottom of the panel 2” along the th bottom of the panel 2” along the seam locking tab. File down the locking tab flush with the rest of the tab with a knife. This will allo for easier inst l n at thi seam.

seamed on the right end, measure up from

seam locking tab. File down the locking tab flush with the rest of the tab with a knife. This will allow for easier installation at this seam.

Fig. 5

Fig. 5

Fig. 5 53




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