Celect Installation Handbook

Celect Window Trim Ÿ If corners are to be mitered, they should be glued and secured with weather resistant screws as shown in figure 1. Ÿ Square corners can be Celect Window Trim Ÿ If corners are to be mitered, they should be glued and secured with weather resistant screws as shown in figure 1. Ÿ Square corners can be Cel ct Window Trim • If corners are to be mitered, they should be glued and secured with weather resistant screws as shown in figure 1. • Squar corners can be achieved if desired by removing material on the back of the piece as shown in figure 2. • Cort x ® or Pro Plug ® screws and matching plugs should be used when installing Celect trim. Space th fasteners no more than 16” apart and no closer than 2” from the end of the trim. Make sure not to fasten through the siding or into the expansion pocket. weather resistant screw Remove

achieved if desired by removing material on the back of the piece as shown in figure 2. achieved if desired by removing material on the back of the piece as shown in figure 2.

weather resistant screw Remove


weather resistant screw



® ® Ÿ Cortex or Pro Plug

weather resistant screw

screws and matching plugs should be used when installing Celect trim. Space the fasteners no more than 16” apart and no screws and matching plugs should be used when installing Celect trim. Space the fasteners no more than 16” apart and no Fig.1

® ® Ÿ Cortex or Pro Plug


closer than 2” from the end of the trim. Make sure not to fasten through the siding or into the expansion pocket


closer than 2” from the end of the trim. Make sure not to fasten through the siding or into the expansion pocket



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