Connect Maintenance Guide

New Product Set-Up | WebReady

Defining a product as WebReady means that product will be available on Connect for customers to view and/or purchase. WebReady does copy over when you copy products, so you MUST review this EVERY TIME you set up a new product. WebReady From the Product Maintenance screen hit Alt F1. Determine where this product should be visible. It can be on the Midwest and/or the Southeast site. Product belongs on the : MW Site Only = Keyword25 = WEBREADY and Keyword26 = PDMW SE Site Only = Keyword25 = WEBREADY and Keyword26 = PDSE. Please Note: • When adding or removing keywords you may affect the line position of WEBREADY. Be sure to check Alt-F1 before exiting the product to ensure the product is still WEBREADY if need be. • If changing multiple fields in the Product Maintenance file (changing descriptions, keywords, WEBREADY) make the field changes first and escape out of the product, then make the WEBREADY change. If done all at once some of the changes will not occur. Reasons an item is NOT WebReady Call for Price Items MW and SE Sites = Keyword25 = WEBREADY and Keyword26 = (Blank- do not put anything on this line)

Samples Displays Discontinued Items (At appropriate time)

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