Exterior Trim | Moulding Catalog
PVC Moulding
Stands up to harsh weather Resists stains, scratches and fading Quick and easy installation Resists mold, mildew, moisture and insect damage No cupping, rotting or splitting UV protection inside and out Does not require paint for protection but easily accepts paint Same color, look, feel and durability as AZEK Trim
A Z E K T R I M & M O U L D I N G
CROWN PROFILES Crown moulding profiles are typically decorative mouldings designed for use along the intersection of a wall or ceiling. May be combined with other mouldings to create a built-up profile.
3” Crown AZM-52 16’ length
4” Crown AZM-49 16’ length
5” Crown AZM-47 16’ length
6” Crown AZM-45 16’ length
8” Crown AZM-43 16’ length
Cove Moulding AZM-80 16’ length
Bed Moulding AZM-75 16’ length
3-1/2” Bed Moulding AZM-28 16’ length
Imperial Rake Crown AZM-6937 16’ length
Rams Crown AZM-6934 16’ length
Solid Crown AZM-7954 16’ length
Crosshead Pediment AZM-6216 18’ length
www.palmerdonavin.com ph: 800-652-1234
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