Featured Products List Price Book | Beloit, Hebron, and Lansing
Style Options † -New Style A -Almond Grille B -Bronze Grille FF -Flat Lite Frame FG -Flush-Glazed FXG -Fixed Grille GBGC -Contour Grille GBGF -Flat-Bar Grille DS -Discontinued Style
Caming 1A -Brass
Fire Door WBDR
1C -Brushed Nickel 1D -Black Nickel 1W -Wrought Iron BB -Bella Bronze * -Stocked Caming
WBDR/HVHZ RT -Mini-Blinds RG -Removable Wood Grille SDL -Simulated Divided Lites VS -Vented Sidelite W -White Grille () -Multiple Styles
LE -Low E Center Lite 2 Panel 3/4 Top S9354
S93203- FXG
Glass: Sa ra toga™
Caming: 1C* 1D*
Glass: Gri l l e
Caming: N/A
Lite Frame Profile: Whi te BTS Scrol l
Grille: N/A
Lite Frame Profile: Whi te BTS Scrol l
Grille: Fi xed Gri l l e
1 Color Paint
2 Color Paint
1 Color Stain
2 Color Stain
Single Door 2'8" x 6'8"
1 Color Paint
2 Color Paint
1 Color Stain
2 Color Stain
Paint/Stain Combo
Single Door 2'8" x 6'8" 2'10" x 6'8" 3'0" x 6'8"
1,051 1,654 2,008 -
- - -
- - -
Paint/Stain Combo
800 1,403 1,757 - 880 1,483 1,837 - 800 1,403 1,757 -
- - -
- - -
2'10" x 6'8" 1,133 1,736 2,090 -
3'0" x 6'8"
1,051 1,654 2,008 -
French Door (Doubl e Acti ve ) 6'8" Si ngl e x 2 Pl us -21
French Door (Doubl e Acti ve ) 6'8" Si ngl e x 2 Pl us -21
63 -339 -
63 -339 -
S93203- FXGLE
Glass: Ma pl e Pa rk®
Caming: 1C 1D*
Lite Frame Profile: Whi te BTS Scrol l
Grille: N/A
Glass: Gri l l e
Caming: N/A
Lite Frame Profile: Whi te BTS Scrol l
Grille: Fi xed Gri l l e
1 Color Paint
2 Color Paint
1 Color Stain
2 Color Stain
Single Door 2'8" x 6'8"
Paint/Stain Combo
1,051 1,654 2,008 -
- - -
- - -
1 Color Paint
2 Color Paint
1 Color Stain
2 Color Stain
Single Door 2'8" x 6'8" 2'10" x 6'8" 3'0" x 6'8"
2'10" x 6'8" 1,133 1,736 2,090 -
Paint/Stain Combo
873 1,476 1,830 - 953 1,556 1,910 - 873 1,476 1,830 -
- - -
- - -
3'0" x 6'8"
1,051 1,654 2,008 -
French Door (Doubl e Acti ve ) 6'8" Si ngl e x 2 Pl us -21
63 -339 -
French Door (Doubl e Acti ve ) 6'8" Si ngl e x 2 Pl us -21
63 -339 -
Pa ge 149 of 530
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