Celect Installation Handbook
Installing Panels • Panels install left to right. INSTALLING PANELS Ÿ Pa ls install left to right. Ÿ I t ll I IN l i t ll l ft t ri t. I t ll t r t l l i
• Install the first panel locking it down onto the starter strip and keeping the left end of the panel 3/8” away from the furring strip. • Fasten the panels by placing fasteners int he nailing flange; one in the center of the panel and two on either side, evenly placed. Keep fasteners approximately 2” in from both ends. (Fig. 6). first pane locking it down n o the starter strip and keeping the left end of the panel 3/8” away from the furring strip. Ÿ F t t e panels by placing fast ners in the nailing flange; one in the center of the panel and two on either side, evenly placed. Keep fasteners approximately 2” in from both ends. (Fig. 6). it t t t rt r tri keeping the left end of the panel / ” fr t f rri tri . ten th l l i f t r i t ili ; i t t r f t l t it r i , l l . f t r t l ” i fr t . ( i . ). r i
3/8” Gap
5 fasteners per full panel f t r r f ll l
Fig. 6 i . 6
• Install the remainder of the course overlapping the seams and leaving the necessary space between the shakes. If the temperature is above 70 o F leave 1/8”, if the temperature is below 70 o F leave 1/4” (Fig. 8). Ÿ Install the remainder of the course overlapping the seams and leaving the nec ssary space between the shakes. If the temperature is above 70 ° F leav 1/8”, if the temperature is below 70 ° F leave 1/4” (Fig. 8) I t ll t r i r f t r rl i t m l i t e necessary space between the sh . If t t r t r i l v , if t t r t r i l ( i . ) l
1/8” Gap above 70 ° F 1/4” Gap Below 70 ° F
Fig.. 10 i ..
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